This presentation introduce the context of the experimental eCraft process of creation.
This presentation present a short history of the eTextile with actuels examples.
This presentation give a short introduction to the basic of electicity and electronic.
This presentation is an introduction to arduino with a short story of it.
And a variation of this presentation more focused on LilyPad
This tutorial is a step by step about “how hack a keyboard?”
This tutorial explains the basics of switches and buttons, illustrates different categories, and gives examples of corresponding soft switches.
This tutorial gives an overview of paper engineering with resources and sample projects for inspiration.
This tutorial explains the basics of electricity with an overview of conductive materials, techniques for making circuit traces, and series/parallel circuit construction.
This presentation show some examples of project combining electronic and paper.
This presentation explain how to made your textilo step by step.
More information here.
This presentation is a quick introduction to processing
This is a short presentation to define the notion of Flip-Flop