Technnical Books:
Getting Started With Arduino by Massimo Banzi
Physical Computing by Dan O’Sullivan and Tom Igoe
Make: Electronics by Charles Platt
OPEN SOFTWARE: Fashionable prototyping and wearable computing using the Arduino by T. Olsson, D. Gaetano, J. Odhner, and S. Wiklund
Fashioning Technology: A DIY Intro to Smart Crafting by Syuzi Pakhchyan
Switch Craft: Battery-Powered Crafts to Make and Sew by Alison Lewis, Fang-Yu Lin
Sew Electric
Theory Books:
The Craftsman by Richard Sennett
Everyware by Adam Greenfield
Design for Interaction by Dan Saffer
Fashionable Technology by Sabine Seymour
Functional Aesthetic by Sabine Seymour
Unfolded by Petra Schmidt and Nicola Stattmann
Design noir: the secret life of electronic objects By Anthony Dunne, Fiona Raby
“Smart Materials in architecture, interior architecture and design” by Axel Ritter
Digital by Design: Crafting Technology for Products and Environments by Conny Freyer, Sebastien Noel, Eva Rucki: Englische Bücher
Skin: Surface, Substance, and Design by Ellen Lupton
Academic Papers:
Dynamic Ornament: The Design of Responsive Surfaces in Architecture by Mark Meagher, David van der Maas, Christian Abegg, and Jeffrey Huang
Sprout I/O: A Texturally Rich Interface by Marcelo Coelho and Pattie
Confuse the User! A use-centered participatory design perspective by Katharina Bredies
Fabric PCBs, electronic sequins, and socket buttons: techniques for e-textile craftby Leah Buechley Æ Michael Eisenberg
Programmable matter by folding byE. Hawkes
Skorpions: Kinetic Electronic Garments by Berzowska, J., Mainstone, D., Bromley, M., Coelho
Interactive Paper Devices: End-user Design & Fabrication by Greg Saul, Cheng Xu, Mark D Gross.
Sculptured computational objects with smart and active computing materials by Orth, Margaret A.
Fabric Computing Interfaces. Maggie Orth
Pulp Based Computing : A Framework for Building Computers Out of Paper by Marcelo Coelho, Lyndl Hall, Joanna Berzowska and Pattie Maes
Paints, Paper, and Programs: First Steps Toward the Computational Sketchbook by Leah Buechley, Sue Hendrix and Mike Eisenberg
A Construction Kit for Electronic Textiles by Leah L Buechley
Transitive Materials: Towards an Integrated Approach to Material Technology by Marcelo Coelho, Sajid Sadi, Pattie Maes, Joanna Berzowska and Neri Oxman
Electronic Popables: exploring paper-based computing through an interactive pop-up book by Jie Qi and Leah Buechley
What Do Prototypes Prototype by Stephanie Houde and Charles
Becoming Materials: Material Forms and Forms of Practice by Jenny Bergström, Brendon Clark, Alberto Frigo, Ramia Mazé, Johan Redström, and Anna Vallgårda
From Use to Presence: On the Expressions and Aesthetics of Everyday Computational Things by Redström, Johan, and Lars Hallnä
Computational Composites: Understanding the Materiality of Computational Technology by Vallgårda, Anna and Johan Redström
Interactive Paper Devices: End-user Design & Fabrication by Saul, Greg, Cheng Xu, and Mark D. Gross
Computationally-enhanced Craft Items: Prototypes and Principles by Michael Eisenberg and Nwanua Elum
The Computer for the 21st Century by Mark Weiser
Fabric Computing Interfaces by Maggie Orth, Rehmi Post and Emily Cooper