///Encoded Book///Keyboard Hacking_Carlotta

First step: Open the keyboard, take the circuit board out with the USB cable. Sand off delicately the black varnish on the straight lines at the bottom of the circuit board.


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Second Step: Open a text edit page and test “line combinations” . One cable links one line from the left and one line from the right. Note down the combinations found.





Step 3: Build the project. Encoded Book is a project that creates an electronic book. It is built out of pages with no meaning, a set of letters and signs that follow each other without any recognizable pattern.
As you turn the pages of the book, the contact is made with the keyboard, and a story appears on the screen.

I chose to display a tiny poem written by Sylvia Plath:

“Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air…”



The book is binded, and between each page I built a circuit that is then glued down. The only thing shown is two parts of copper tape that will be used as a switch as the pages are turned.


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This is the right way to put the copper tape, after realizing my circuit was still opened when turning the pages (duh):


Each page is attached to the correspondant combination of lines on the keyboard circuit board.

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Processing Sketch:
//////KEYBAORD HACK//////////
/////ENCODED BOOK////////////
PImage img1, img2, img3, img4, img5, img6, img7, img8;

void setup () {
size (1280,800);
background (0);
frameRate (10);
img1 = loadImage (“OUT.jpg”);
img2 = loadImage(“of the ash.jpg”);
img3 = loadImage(“i rise.jpg”);
img4 = loadImage(“with my red hair.jpg”);
img5 = loadImage(“And I eat.jpg”);
img6 = loadImage(“Men1.jpg”);
img7 = loadImage (“like air.jpg”);
img8 = loadImage (“sylvia plath.jpg”);

void draw () {

stroke (random (0,15));
fill (random (255), random (255), random (255), random (150));
rect (random (255), random (255), random (1280), random (800));


void keyPressed (){
if (key == ‘-‘) {
image (img1, 0, 0, 1280, 750);

if (key == ‘3’) {
image (img2, 0, 0, 1280, 750);

if (key == ‘*’) {
image (img3, 0, 0, 1280, 750);

if (key == ‘9’){
image (img4, 0, 0, 1280, 750);

if (key == ‘g’){
image (img5, 0, 0, 1280, 750);

if (key == ‘v’){
image (img6,0,0, 1280, 750);

if (key == ‘t’){
image (img7,0,0, 1280, 750);

if (key == ‘r’){
image (img8,0,0, 1280, 750);



When it didn’t work properly:

Final Prototype, working well:

Final Prototype zoom on screen graphics:

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